Write Your Paper
- 1. Develop A Thesis
- 2. Outline It
- 3. Write It
- 4. Revise It
- 5. Cite It
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- Want Writing Help?
1. Develop A Thesis
- The Thesis Statement
- Developing a Thesis
- uw-madison Developing a Thesis Statement
- Thesis Statements
- How to Write Thesis Statements
2. Outline It
- Getting Started: Outlining
- Reverse Outlining
- Outline a Paper - How to Organize a Research Paper With Text Boxes
- Four Main Components for Effective Outlines
- Using Outlines
- How to Write an Outline
3. Write It
- Overcoming Writer's Block
- Materials for Students: Writing the Academic Paper: Writing: Considering Structure & Organization
- How to Write a College Paper (a little humor)
- Purdue OWL: Academic Writing
- Purdue OWL: Starting the Writing Process
- Principles of Composition
4. Revise It
- The Editing and Rewriting Process
- How to Write an A+ Research Paper: Revise
- The Deadly Sins Checklist
- Purdue OWL: Proofreading
5. Cite It
COM Library has created guides for citation. Get specific examples of frequently used sources in COM Library, such as articles from our online databases, and Internet sites and how to cite the EZ way.
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COM has a fantastic Tutoring Center on campus where you can get help writing your papers or presentations. Check out hours and services.